Saturday, December 24, 2011

Have yourselves a merry little Christmas

Christmas is coming, the geese are getting fat and our holiday funds are dwindling – so sadly Jean and I must draw this epic trip to a close. It has been a whirlwind couple of months since we last corresponded. 

We've made it all the way from seeing Jean's folks in Townsville...

...down to mine at the Gold Coast.

Seeing my parents came with the added benefit of cruising the Gold Coast Broadwater on Emerald Lady....

… which if you have been following from the start you might recognise as the boat that got us to WA in the first place.

Time for the obligatory fish photo. Turns out, after chasing them all around Australia, there's fish to be caught at our final destination too.

So long and thanks.

Not to mention yabbies to be pumped.

That's a whole year of fishing without buying bait once.

So that's about it for fish photos from me. I guess there's not going to be any more shots of me jumping into yet another waterhole either. On the other hand, there is a pool at the complex where we have just bought a little apartment. Come and visit us – it's at Kangaroo Point, just outside Brisbane CBD.

It has been a wonderful time – we've had fun writing this blog and we hope you've enjoyed it too. To all of you and your friends and families, we bid a very happy Christmas and a very happy 2012.

Santa comes tonight – hopefully he'll bring me a shirt.


See you in Queensland.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Last Post

Well, not really. There must be at least one more blog in us before we hit Brisbane. That just seemed like another good banner for blowing our own trumpets. Nevertheless, the end of the road is in sight.

The road to Julia Creek

It is probably just as well – there are only so many literary devices I can use as an excuse to show yet another photo of me jumping into water...

Little Crystal Creek

… or Jean standing somewhere nice wearing a big hat.

Waiting for Frodo – Little Crystal Creek

Spice it up a bit, I hear you saying – can't you get attacked by dinosaurs or something more exciting than just more waterfalls and fish.

Big Head Falls – Townsville
Jean's mum used to say that there were plenty more of these in the sea - Hughenden

But dinosaur attacks are rarer than you'd think...


unless you've had a few – in which case they are waiting on every corner.

Hughenden Hotel

In fact, strange occurrences like that are just not that strange when you are in North Queensland.

Cassowaries beware – Mission Beach

What frog? - Tully

But in the end, give or take the odd frog in the loo or gecko on the ceiling, North Queensland is pretty well just the same old same old, day in, day out...

The daily commute – Mission Beach

Dunk Island from Mission Beach

See ya.

Friday, September 23, 2011


Lawn Hill Gorge: home of 25 million year old fossils just sitting there in the rock for you to look at, fabulous waterfalls, birds of prey, turtles with red noses, fish - and for a while, us.

Fossil of a different kind

Crocodile teething ring


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Monday, September 12, 2011

Water water everywhere

Dry season in the Northern Territory means lots of dust, 35 degree days and long, hot walks in the sun.

Thankfully, some respite is available.

There's still water in the waterfalls.

On top of Edith Falls, Nitmiluk National Park

You can soak in the plunge pools.

Florence Falls, Litchfield National Park

Leap into waterholes.

Buley Rockholes, Litchfield National Park

All of these popular swimming spots are perfect for wallowing in...

Wangi Falls, Litchfield National Park

...but can be crowded!

Wangi Falls, Litchfield National Park

Some waterholes look like crocodile-infested waters, but are seasonally monitored for crocodiles, so may be “open” for swimming.

No crocodiles in this trap - is that good or bad?

So we swam here too! Roper River, Elsey National Park

And there are the more traditional watering holes too! 


Daly Waters pub